Category Archives: Cosmetic Surgery

Real Male Organ Health Facts 5 Manual Pleasuring Myths Busted

Category : Cosmetic Surgery

Sincethe beginnings of recorded history, there is evidence that manual pleasuring a healthy, natural activity in both men and women has been frowned upon, oreven downright forbidden, as an act that can cause physiological and/orspiritual damage. It is not the aim of this article to address the moral issuesrelated to self-pleasuring, as these are highly individualized. On the otherhand, many men have been exposed to an endless mythology about everything thatcan go wrong due to manual pleasuring, leading to feelings of guilt or fear inmen who engage in the practice. Here, some of these myths are addressed, withan explanation as to why they are simply not true; and in addition, we offersomemale organ caretips for keeping things healthy.

Myth#1: Manual pleasuring causes blindness

Theidea that self-stimulation can lead to loss of sight is centuries old. It islikely that this myth grew up around a need to discourage children fromexperimenting by threatening them with terrible consequences, but there is noscientific evidence linking the practice to blindness.

Myth#2: Manual pleasuring causes hair loss

Thisnotion may seem reasonable on a certain level. Self-stimulation, as well aspartner relations, is linked to increased levels of androgen, which are in turnlinked to male-pattern baldness. However, while theurgeto get off is linked to androgen, theact itself does not increase androgen levels in the blood, and therefore,arguing that self-pleasure causes baldness is misleading.

Myth#3: Manual pleasuring causes excessive hairgrowth

Thenotorious hair-on-the-palms rumor likely falls under the same category as theblindness myth. It is easy to see where a male would be discouraged fromexperimenting if he were afraid that the evidence would be plainly visible toeveryone. However, if this were the case, then most men would have hairy palms,and it is a safe bet that anyone reading this article would be among them.

Myth#4: Manual pleasuring causes infertility

Aswith the idea of hair loss, it might seem to make sense that spilling seedthrough manual pleasuring would lead to a loss of fertility. It is true thatright after release, a man will not have has many swimmers in the reservoirs,but the supply will quickly rebuild itself. In fact, the use it or lose itprinciple applies here, and men who do not take the opportunity to releaseevery so often may actually have fewer reproductive cells than those who takeadvantage of the occasional alone time.

Myth#5: Manual pleasuring causes weakness

Insome cultures, the release of male fluid (without the benefit of a femalepartner) is viewed as weakening a man, and those who do engage from time totime may believe that any feelings of fatigue or illness are related to theirexperimenting with self-pleasure. Again, no scientific link has ever been foundbetween weakness and manual pleasuring, so it is likely that any relatedphysiological problems are really all in an individuals head.

Caringfor the manhood and preventing manual pleasuring-related issues

Whilemanual pleasuring is certainly normal, and many of the stories told to preventmales from exploring their bodies simply are not grounded in fact, men canexperience some adverse side effects of self-pleasuring IFthey do not exercise some precautionsand engage in adequate male organ care.

Vigorousmanual stroking creates heat and friction, which can leave the skin feeling rawand chafed. Over time, this causes a thickened, protective layer of skin todevelop that can dull sensation and make it more difficult to experiencesensory pleasure. In addition, hard pulling or lying on a bed or pillow toself-stimulate creates a risk of bruising and other injury. In order to preventthese issues, a more gentle approach is recommended, and an appropriate lubricantshould be part of every session.

Toavoid friction injuries and reduce the risk of lost male organ sensation, ahigh qualitymale organ health creme(health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil)can be applied tothe skin on a daily basis. Using a moisturizing, vitamin-rich cream as part ofthe daily male organ care regimen is a good way to improve overall male organhealth so that every experience solo or with a partner is more satisfyingand fulfilling.

The Importance Of Maintaining Healthy Blood Sugar Levels

Category : Cosmetic Surgery

By Steven A Johnson

An astounding 23.5 million Americans are estimated to have diabetes. While there is no cure for diabetes, the good news is that in most cases type 2 diabetes can be prevented! By making important changes to your health, you can lower your risk of developing diabetes! Why wait till there is a problem? By starting to be aware of your blood sugar now, you can prevent the development of type 2 diabetes today!

Before individuals develop type 2 diabetes, most of them display pre-diabetes symptoms– blood glucose levels that exceed normal, but are not quite high enough to technically classify them as diabetic. There are roughly 57 million people in the United States that are considered to have pre-diabetes. Certain health problems put you at a higher risk for developing diabetes. Being overweight, having unhealthy cholesterol levels, smoking, high blood glucose, high blood pressure, and physical inactivity contribute to the development of diabetes and heart disease. It is very important to identify these symptoms early before they turn into problemsremember there is no cure for full-blown diabetes!

While studies have shown that some medications may slow the development of type 2 diabetes, healthy diet and regular exercise have been proven more effective! By dedicating just thirty minutes a day, (5 days a week) to moderate physical activity, combined with a 5 to 10% reduction in body weight, have produced an amazing 58% reduction in diabetes in the test groups. It is never too late to start tweaking your lifestyle towards healthy!


It is very important to have plenty of fiber in your diet, it may reduce the risk of diabetes by improving your blood sugar control. It has been found that fiber intake has been associated with a lower risk of heart disease. Fiber has an added benefit of helping you feel fuller after eating, even if you have had a smaller helping, which could help promote weight loss. Some tasty foods that are high in fiber are fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds!

Another staple food that has shown to reduce the risk of diabetes and help maintain healthy blood sugar levels are whole grains. Although it’s not clear why, a definitive link between lower blood sugar and whole grains has emerged. A good rule of thumb is to try and make at least half your daily grains whole grains. Whole grains mostly come ready-to-eat, some examples to include in your diet are pasta products, various breads, and ready-to-eat cereals. To be sure that you are choosing products that do indeed have whole grains in them, just look for the word whole on the package in the list of ingredients.

It is in your best interest to skip the fad diets such as the low-carbohydrate or the low-glycemic diets. They may help you loose weight at first, but the long term effects of helping reduce the risk of diabetes are unknown. By excluding certain food groups from your diet, you are giving up essential nutrients that those foods have to offer! So remember, think about portion control and variety as part of a healthy eating plan, instead of just excluding certain foods!

Since diabetes can be prevented by just practicing good eating habits and getting enough exercise daily, it is good to know that there are products available to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels that are already within normal range! One such product is called Sugar Minders, an all natural herbal supplement that is sugar free. Sugar Minders includes Nopal Cactus, Cinnamon Bark, and Blueberry Leaf Extract which also helps to promote healthy circulation and heart function. If you are one of the many people suffering from pre-diabetes it is never too early to start changing your unhealthy lifestyle today! For more information or to purchase Sugar Minders, please visit my website:

About the Author: Steven Johnson is interested in maintaining a vital, active, and healthy lifestyle. For more information on products that relate to the issues of diabetes, along with other life-enhancing nutrients please visit his website

Alternative Health Supplements



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Passo A Passo Da Maquiagem Natural}

Category : Cosmetic Surgery

Passo A Passo Da Maquiagem Natural


Carmela TardentA maquiagem profissional

transformadora de imagem e tambm, por consequncia, do estado de deus de quem dela se utiliza. As caravanas que levavam especiarias e seda para a Europa introduziram os cosmticos e a maquiagem na Grcia (ela no se desenvolveria verdadeiramente at incio do sculo III, sendo anteriormente um atributo das cortess) e tambm ao imprio romano ( Nero e Popeia Sabina maquiavam-se com os mesmos produtos no sculo I): a maquiagem para rosto, Kohl, foi substitudo por uma maquiagem sustentao de aafro , antim’nio, cortia queimada, sujeira ou cinzas; blush corava as bochechas atravs de amoras esmagadas ou cinbrio.

Ento, a maquiadora Renata Almeida, maquiadora Profissional de vdeo, HDTV, cinemas, sales de beleza, desfiles, shows, teatros, eventos e tambm editoriais de peridico, relacionou os sete falhas mais comuns que podem comprometer a excelncia da maquiagem e ainda d poucos truques para no fazer feio e tambm prejudicar todo visual.Uma pele limpa, sem oleosidade, e tambm lbios muito esfoliados so a chave para a maquiagem tenha como aderir melhor, dure mais e tenhaum aprimoramento mais profissional. No so precisas varias joias enquanto voc est com uma maquiagem deslumbrante. Depois de passar varias horas com a maquiagem, permitir a pele respirar muito essencial. A maquiagem para olhos pequenos, portanto, pretende valorizar olhar e os realar mais, e no escondervisual de uma das partes masimportantes da make up.Separamos poucas dicas muito legais para preparar a pele para receber a maquiagem, todos os passos so importantes para assentir a pele linda anterior e depois da maquiagem. Dicas de maquiagem para voc arrasar na sua sarau de forma, casrio ou qualquer outro evento essencial. Quanto mas hidratada e tambm bonita sua pele estiver na idade do conbio, mas linda a sua maquiagem resta.Anterior de comear a

maquiagem sempre bom lavar muito muito rosto, de preferncia com gua gelada. Vale lembrar: Para uma maquiagem bsica voc deve escolher um blush adequado ao tom da sua pele e tambm usar apenas uma tonalidade de sombra na plpebra mvel. Ento, trate de cuidar e tambm assear da sua pele, mesmo de antemo da maquiagem! Voc vai aprender como atenuar olheiras, mculas em sua pele e uniformizar sua maquiagem.

Uma pele saudvel faz com que

a maquiagem fique muito mais linda na pele e realce melhor os seus traos. batom um item indispensvel na bolsa de uma senhora e tambm para presentear aquele toque final na maquiagem. Aproveite tudo que vir seguinte, aprenda, teste e mergulhe no mundo da maquiagem. A carioca admitiu que viciada” em o mundo inteiro modelos de produtos para rosto, corpo e cabelos, principalmente maquiagem.

A tcnica no simples, mas est chegando ao mercado e tambm conquistando cada vez mas adeptas, e tambm, como no poderia assentir de ser, as noivinhas de planto so j as que lideram essa corrida pela maquiagem maravilhosa. Ou melhor, possui muita coisa para voc aprender, por isso citei que um curso de automaquiagem tambm super vlido para quem j sabe um tanto sobre maquiagem e tambm quer aprender mas para fazer make melhores e tambm mas elaboradas.Pegue um pincel de maquiagemmaior e tambm aplique ppressionado acima de suas

mas do rosto e sobre nariz, adicionando um pontinha para as suasplpebras, testa e queixo. Absolutamente ningum duvida que a maquiagem ressalta a venustidade da mulher. Sem maquiagem, com a apoio e tambm maquiada. Tudo para que, ao final, rosto esteja saudvel e pronto para receber uma maquiagem leve e tambm delicada.

Nmero reduzido de

profissionais ensinam truques de maquiagem para aumentar olhos pequenosrelativamente simples de escoltar. Nesse video voc vai aprender uma maquiagem passo a passo completa com olho esfumado e tambm boca neutra. Se voc achou que – acabou rosto acabou a maquiagem – porque ainda no conferiu a maquiagem para pernas e corpo. Deter ndoas, borbulha e olheiras fundamentado deixa a pele uniforme e tambm garante que sua maquiagem fique homognea e tambm mas formosa.

Que voc deve fazer

adequar as cores para estilo de maquiagem que voc pretende usar. 4. Passo – lpis para olhos: lpis preto, ou marrom, bastante importante na maquiagem. Desse modo, pedi a cada um dos maquiadores uma maquiagem noite. No regra que em toda maquiagem tem vestir base, corretivo e p. Corretivo s se usa enquanto se est com olheira ou bolsinhas”.

E aprender como fazer uma maquiagem maravilhosa passo a passo super importante para voc ser uma profissional na extenso de maquiagens e tambm conquistar varias clientes do servio fiis. Entretanto, as mulheres, mormente as que precisam de lentes fortes, acham um duelo conseguir combinar seus culos com maquiagem. Quando a maquiagem est completamente opaca, a aspecto de uma pele sem vio e sem fulgor.

Meu nome: Carmela Tardent

Idade: 32 anosPas: SwedenCidade que estou: Reftele CEP: 330 21Endereo: Skallebo 79Se voc amado este artigo por isso voc gostaria de obter mais info pertinentes para maquiar angela;

, generosamente visite web site.

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Few Ways To Counter Hair Thinning

Category : Cosmetic Surgery

Few Ways to Counter Hair Thinning by hellengeekWhether its a few lost hair strands on your pillow, hair tie, or on your regular hair brush, it hurts to see that your hair is falling out without any prominent cause. Most of the times, the cause to thinning hair is not identified for a long time.It is a renowned fact that by the time you start noticing your hair falling, around 12% has already fallen out. As we start to age, the density and texture of the hair starts to reduce, which ultimately leads us down to the point that we need to get ourselves checked by some specialist. Consulting a professional for your specific case doesnt only save you from excessive hair loss, but it also allows you to grow aware of your hair thinning pattern.There are specific treatments for the different hair loss patterns, and for the hair thinning cases. Here are a few ways to tackle hair thinning problems like a pro:Find the root cause for your hair thinning problem.Use a shampoo and conditioner that suits your hair type.Your brush should have soft bristles.Add an essential oil to your hair care routine.Try to avoid overthinking every situation as stress and anxiety can also be the cause of your hair loss.If you are following a sound everyday routine and still experience hair thinning, then the problem is either in the products that you are using, the environmental factors, or it is something that is concerned to your health conditions. Stimulate your hair restoration procedure by getting your specific problem diagnosed by a reputable hair clinic in UAE. Instead of experimenting on your scalp yourself, you should take the advice of a professional so as to be assured that there are no harmful side effects.There might be chemicals that your skin is not accustomed to and can have an adverse effect on your scalp. Dont complicate the situation than it already is. An unusual pattern of hair loss can also be the outcome of the lack of blood circulation in the scalp, which is why the skin becomes dry and eventually leads us down to the loss of hair.A great deal of factors contribute towards the destruction of the health and texture of the hair. You need to diminish those points in order to treat the problem from the root. If your thinning pattern is prominent, for instance, if you are losing large clumps of hair, then you should consult a dermatologist at your earliest. Stress and lack of nutrition undoubtedly add on to the adversity of your loss, but only the people with exceptionally chronic stress and health conditions are effected by hair thinning.If you let this problem grow without putting a stop to it, then it disturbs the level of confidence of the victim, making him feel unattractive among people. Therefore, it is extremely essential for you to get the issue diagnosed at an early stage to limit the damage. Hellen Greek is the right person to go to if you want to get information about the famous hair loss clinic in Dubai. She is known to provide authentic details of one of the best products for hair loss treatment Dubai and skin care. Article Source: